Regional Competition - Support Portal

Spin Up

Spin Up: Video

Tipping Point

Tipping Point: Video

Rules: (Manual or Summary)

Tower Takeover

Vex Tower Takeover: Video

Video of SHHS students at Vandan High Regional Vex Competition: Mobile or You Tube

Video of A Tower Takeover Competition: RLS Team @ Google: Mobile or You Tube

A Variety Of Vex V5 Robot Building Plans: Click here.
"Stack Build" instructions for Tower Takeover: Click here.

Rules: (Manual or Summary)

  1. The first 15 seconds is the autonomous period. You don't have control of your remote/robot. A program you have written runs during this period.
    Hint: Create a simple program to at least get a point. Eg. have your robot face a colored corner and place a cube between you and the colored corner. When the Autonomous period begins, you can start a simple program that pushes the cube into the corner. If you get more points than your opponent, you are given two cubes that you can place in front of your robot at anytime in the match.

In The Zone

In the Zone: Video

A Variety Of Vex V5 Robot Building Plans: Click here.

Rules: (Manual or Summary)