Purpose: Students are introduced to debugging a problematic programs.

Journal: Your grandparents call you and say that they are unable to get music to play on their speakers. What could the problem be? How will you guide them to a solution?

Video: Debugging

Activity: Log on to Code.org U3Ch1L7 Debugging:

Debugging Process:

  1. Describe your problem (what is happening).
  2. Hunt for the bug.
  3. Try small solutions and see how they effect your code.
  4. Document what you learned.

Hint: Use the text visualizer: Turtle speed / Text mode / Turns Golden as it plays.

Level 1 – Debug Program: Strings need to Go In Quotes: ""

Level 2 – Debug Program: Strings need to Go In Quotes: ""

Level 3 – Run and Fix: The range of values for the random numbers is too large.

Level 4 – Run and Fix: Event handlers (onEvent) should not go inside other (onEvent) blocks.

Practice / Level 5 – 3 programs...Run and Fix:

Journal: State 1 debugging technique you found useful today.