U4Ch1L7_ 2023.2024_ Conditionals _ Practice
Purpose: Students will learn a variety of Conditional Statements by editing 3 Apps.
Step #1: Learning Conditionals by Building 3 Separate Apps. (Start with App #1 then #2 then #3)
There is a sequence of 4 Stages you will go through as you develop each App. If you want to change Apps, you have to return to Level 1.
1. Emoji Movie App.
(The App will show you two imogees. When you put them together, it reflects a famous movies name.)
- In 4 practice levels (below), you will be walking step-by-step through creating the code necessary to create and customize the app that is showcased.
- Just follow the instructions provided on each level!
- “Run” The App. – (Select the Shaded Bar at the bottom of the Window.)
- In this lesson sequence, you will create the conditionals that keep score, change screens, and display results for an Emoji Movie quiz.
- Declare and Initialize Variables
- Craft the conditionals that determine whether a user's answer was correct or incorrect.
- Update the question text and display the final results for users!
2. Code Feed Quiz
(The App will ask you a series of questions and then determines what type of Vegetable Superhero you would be!)
- In 4 practice levels (below), you will be walking step-by-step through creating the code necessary to create and customize the app that is showcased.
- Just follow the instructions provided on each level!
- “Run” The App. – With a partner, discuss the following:
- What is the purpose of the App?
- What do you think of the functionality of the App…would you design it differently?
- Tallying Results: Create a system for scoring user responses using conditionals in order to properly assign the final result.
- Display Results: Craft the conditionals which determine which result the user will receive based on their answers to the quiz questions.
- Customize the App: In this final level, you can add your own unique quiz questions, images, and flair. Let the customization begin!
3. Tic Tac Toe App,
(The App. lets you play Tic Tac Toe!)
- In 4 practice levels (below), you will be walking step-by-step through creating the code necessary to create and customize the app that is showcased.
- Just follow the instructions provided on each level!
- Run” The App. – With a partner, discuss the following:
- What is the purpose of the App?
- What do you think of the functionality of the App…would you design it differently?
- Create the Conditionals: Let's create the conditionals that will update the game board when a user interacts with it.
- Check for Wins: Code the conditional logic necessary to check for a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal win.
- Determining a Tie Game: In this final level, you can add your own unique quiz questions, images, and flair. Let the customization begin!