U1Ch2L12a_The Need For DNS
Purpose: Students will see both the problems created and solved by DNS
Vocabulary: DNS
Journal: Review... 1.What did we do in the last class? 2. Explain - What is a packet...and what is the role of a Router...Explain how they work together.
DNS Defined: The DNS is “simply” a hierarchical system of computers and databases, that maps IP addresses to domain names. DNS allows users to quickly find locations they are looking for and register themselves so that others may find them.
Activity: DNS Slips of Paper
Teacher: As students are working, circulate quietly through the room.
Students should understand that this is a realistic scenario – IP addresses change all the time. This system of everybody-keep-track-of-your-own-list is highly inefficient. Every student is developing an identical list to one another. A central list would be better, and the Internet has a system for that.Ask Students: Why did I keep taking your IP addresses?
This simulates the fact that a computer’s IP address does not stay the same. For example, a person’s IP address on their phone changes quite frequently as they move around throughout their day and their phone tries to connect to the Internet from different locations.
Ask Students: Can you think up a more efficient way of colleting IP addresses?
Activity: Go To the DNS – Internet Simulator
Handout: “DNS Partner Questionnaire.”
When you go to the Internet Simulator now, you will see a “DNS server” attached to the router. In order to communicate with someone else, you must first find their IP address by asking the DNS.