Hello Rowan, Sonia, Nicholas, Steven, Frankie, Weston and Ben,
Below is the lesson plan that you usually see me write on the dry erase board in class.
I have set up the exact same class on a Google Doc in your CSP class folder. This will allow you to enter "Journal" questions I pose to you and other Activities. Thus, I recommend you go straight to the Google Doc:

Access Google Doc I set up for you in your CSP folder titled:   “U4Ch1L8_Encryption With Keys & Passwords.”
When you complete today's class assignments, Email me at:  "john.harrington@student.sthelenaunified.org"  so that I can give you credit.

U4Ch1L8_ Encryption With Keys and Passwords

Purpose: Students will use a Vigenère cipher to learn about the relationship between cryptographic keys/passwords and the Encryption & Decryption of a Message.


Code.org: Vigenere Cipher

Try This:

Go ahead and play with the Vigenere Cipher tool.

Journal: To Crack a Ciphertext, what would you need to know?

Activity: Test the Strength of your Password.
Your Password acts as a “Key”. Let’s test the strength of your password from being cracked. Go to “How Secure Is My Password.” Enter some fake passwords to see their strength. Add the following to check the strength:

Try This:

Video: Encryption & Public Keys

If time remains…play the Encryption Terminology Matching Quiz…#6!