Understanding the Components That Make Up A Computer.

Purpose: Students will have a greater understanding of the components or hardware that makes up a computer.

Step #1: Sales Ads - Discovering The Primary Computer Components
Have students review the sales ads with their partner. They should highlight the computer terms that recur numerous times though out the ads. 

  1. Review in Groups.
  2. Review in Class. 

Step #2A: Define
Journal: With a partner, 1. Go online and define the purpose of each of the primary parts shown below. Then share what you learned with your group, and eventually with the class (White Board). 
Hardware               Hard Drive             Applications         Software                 Operating System
RAM                          Processor               Computer               M.S. Word              Microsoft Windows
M.S. Excel               Mother Board      M.S. Power Point

Step #2B: Flow Chart (Test! For Points)
With your partner, Fill in the Flow Chart with the terms you have been provided above. If you are unsure, then go back online to get a better understanding of the term. (Explain Fruit Flow Chart)

Step #3: Chronological Sequence
“A student presses the power button on a computer. Then opens a file they created for English Class using the software Microsoft Word.”

  1. State the order in which each of the following hardware items and software are activated.
  2. In less than two sentences, clearly explain what each item is doing when it is activate.

1st – Let partners look at their definitions and flow charts and guess.
2nd – show and tell – start an old computer and let them hear the hard drive. Then pass around Hard Drives, RAM and Processors.
3rd – I will show each of the steps as it takes place.