Junk Movie - Video Tutorial
Learning how to edit videos using iMovie.
RLS 6th Grade Modern Media Class - iPods

These video tutorials match the skills taught in the classroom. Each segment below corresponds to the gradesheet provided to the students.

In Preparation:

  • Show the Model to be recreated by the students and explain the goal: "Learning how to edit videos."
  • Students will be taught how to use a camcorder.
  • Students will learn filming quality standards. (Film / Photo Quality Standards)
  • Students will film 4 parts of the campus with an iPod (gym, track, quad and nature trail).
  • Open iPhoto and import your iPod 'Campus Tour' videos.
  • Open iMovie and,
    A. Explain the interface and create a new Project: "JunkMovie_YourName."
    B. Explain connecting iMovie to iPhoto and the video clips visible in the raw footage section. (video)

Step #1: Timing
Timing: no longer than 1 minute & no shorter than 40 seconds.(video)

Step #2: Titles
The beginning of the movie must have a title slide with a color background (your choice) stating: “Tour of R.L.S. – Junk Movie.” (video)

Step #3: Editing
There shall be a minimum of four scenes, which should include 1. The gym, 2. The track, 3. The quad & 4. The nature trail. Each scene should be 10 to 14 seconds in length. (video)

Step #4: Titles & Transitions
Each scene should have a title and a transition.The end of the movie must have a ‘Fade Out’ (after the Freeze Frame).
4a. Titles: (video)
4b. Transitions:

Step #5: Quality Standards (Film / Photo Quality Standards)
Step #6: Titles
The end of the movie must have a title with any color background stating “Produced By:” then add your name. (video)
Step #7: Split Video
‘‘Apply a Split Video to the Gym Scene. (video)
Step #8: Freeze Frame
Film the front of the school ->A ‘Freeze Frame’ image of the ‘Blue RLS’ sign in front of the school, needs to be extracted from the movie and then placed at the very end of the video! (video)

Step #9: Music & Fade
Student must add at least one music track to the video. This audio track needs to match the video track in length - any cropping of the audio track must not be recognizable to the viewer - fade out the music track at the crop point for 3 seconds. (video)

Step #10: Comp. & Micro
The video must contain at least one audio track created by using the computer’s microphone; Say, “Thank you for watching my video,” and place it under the “Produced By” title that you created. (video)
Step #11: Audio Extract & Volume
The video must contain audio tracks, created by the student talking into the iPod’s microphone, describing each of the 4 scenes being viewed (gym, track, quad, nature trail); they should be 8 to 10 seconds in length. The student needs to use ‘Detach Audio,’ slide the audio underneath an image or video of the scene being described, then delete the video portion. The volume must be increased on this audio segment from ‘100%’ to ‘120’. (video)
Step #12: Ducking
Fade out the music track every time the student’s voice begins, and fade back when the student’s voice ends – this is achieved by using “Ducking”. (video)