
Students will program their robot to move in a number of directions.

Task #1: Move Straight (& Writing Code in mBlock.). This tutorial will show you how to write basic code for your robot with the program mBlock so that your robot will move straight. Click here.
Sign In, Title, Save & Open a New Project This tutorial will show you how to Sign In, Title & Save this past program and Open a New Project. There are two tutorials, one for Chromebooks users and the second is for standard computer users.


Standard Computer

Task #2:Turn & Forward Motion

Program your robot so that it:

  • Waits 1 second to begin motion after the power switch has been activated.
  • Turns forward right for 3 seconds.
  • Stops and waits for 1 second.
  • Turns forward left for 3 seconds.
  • Stops and waits for 1 second.
  • Drives straight for 3 seconds.
  • Stop.
Video: Mobile or
You Tube
Task #3: Backward Motion & Turn

Program your robot so that it:

  • Waits 1 second to begin motion after the power switch has been activated.
  • Turns backward right for 3 seconds.
  • Stops and waits for 1 second.
  • Turns backward left for 3 seconds.
  • Stops and waits for 1 second.
  • Drives backward for 3 seconds.
  • Stop


  •   Duplicate the program you wrote for Task#2 and title this program, "Task3_MotionBackward."
  • In order to make a wheel move backwards, place a negative "-" in front of the Motion % number.
  • Since these lines of code do not provide a Time Length...slide a "Wait Seconds" after them and choose the length of time that you need.  

Video:Mobile or
You Tube
Task #4: The Maze Program your robot to complete the maze. Video: Mobile or
You Tube
